Nu finns Tom Violence att lyssna till på ett mycket bättre musik-community än Myspace. Kolla på Jag roade mig med att skriva en liten biografi om Toms uppväxt bland renar i Lappland. Here it goes...
I was raised as a reindeer by a large friendly herd living in the mountains in the northernmost regions of Lapland, Sweden. When my upbringing reached its end, my muzzle was covered in downy hair and I was as anxious as the melting water pouring down the mountain to see what lay beyond the bend. I told my father, old Mo the herd leader, that I intended to leave the herd and seek the answers to all my questions, way down in human land. I had always felt different from the rest of the reindeer somehow. More, two-legged, is perhaps the best way to put it. I had also had almost no luck with the ladies; they seemed for some reason, not very interested in my shy advances.
So the day before the sun reached its peak, the so called Moo-summer, I headed down the mountain side with a nice bundle of fresh grass tied to my back. The streams of melting water trickling down the slope were quite enough to keep me from going thirsty on my long journey. I saw many other animals during those days of travel. Foxes, with their summer fur all fluffy and red; hares hiding in the bushes, their long cuddly ears reaching out to hear my yearning footsteps. I had also acquired a strange ability for a reindeer to have, which had puzzled and somewhat scared my father the first time I used it. But when he learned it was no danger in listening to it, he became very happy that his son, the herd leaders son, was the first reindeer ever to be able to produce such beautiful and alien sounds. I am sure you are wondering what these sounds were and how I produced them. Well, it's hard to explain, but I kind of tighten my mouth to a ring and blow air out of my lungs as hard as I possibly can. And at the same time I move about my tongue so that the sound shifts in character. It is indeed a marvellous sound, and just one of the many things that fuelled my ideas of me being, well in lack of better words, different from the other reindeer.
So as I was walking through the beautiful almost treeless landscape I made this glorious sound and beamed with happiness over the adventure on which I had now embarked. This was surely the start of something good and well needed.
To make a long story somewhat shorter, for I could sure enough go on for hours on end about all the exciting acquaintances that made me what I am today, you could say less of a reindeer. But I am quite sure you would not be interested in those, as they seem to me now, fairytales of old.
Today I am the musician and artist you commonly know as "Tom Violence". Feel free to listen to my work and, if you will, imagine the snow covered plains of Lapland. The temperature dropping below 30 degrees Celsius and the crisp air leaving you breathless or frozen solid. The northern lights playing with your eyes and your mind. Dazzling green patterns dancing on the star-spangled black night sky. Two eyes watching you. A hundred, maybe thousands of eyes watching you, in pairs. It's old Mo and his herd, waiting for my return. Waiting for me to fulfil my destiny, to be the herd leader. One day, I will answer that call.